Common Sponsor makes for strange toy car race team

Posted by: Doug in Member Blogs


While this racing combination is unlikely, I could not resist matching them up. The Renault Espace by Norev is a new addition and when I saw the Duracell graphics it reminded me of another model to carry this company's logo. The Chevrolet Camaro Trans Am racer by Hot Wheels represents a real car driven by Scott Sharp in the 1980's. The racing trailer is by Welly and features a nifty wheel lock system that hooks over the axles. Of course the Hot Wheels model is not designed for the use with the Welly trailer but you get the idea. The tow hook on the Espace works fine with the Welly trailer.

The Espace features a sliding roof that would allow plenty of fresh air and a nice viewing spot from the track infield. Since the Espace is not offered in the U.S., we will have to assume that the Camaro was sent over to France for a spot of vintage racing.

I'll refrain from any bad puns about bunnies or dead batteries.


Tags: Vehicles, Tales of Toy Cars

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